
Hetalia Axis Powers episodes 18-20

Right, with these episodes I’ve cleared my backlog and can get back to actually blogging this sporadically hilarious anime properly.


You mean I have to wait 6 months for the Eden of the East Movies!?!

Episode 18


Not only was this episode incredibly cheap to produce, it was absolutely hilarious and marked Hetalia’s return to form. There are several times while watching Hetalia that I think ‘if I was to recommend Hetalia to someone, this is what I’d show them’. Other examples would be Germany’s shopping trip and the episode that spent the entire thing making fun of France. While it’s true that a lot of these jokes have been done before, I can’t think of any TV show that’s done them as well as Hetalia does, albeit inconsistently. Umm…not much more to say about this episode. Why does China fight with a wok anyway?

Episode 19

I'm convinced he's been showing up at different times during the course of the anime and I just haven't noticed. Isn't he the guy who helps America clean out his cudboard?

I'm convinced he's been showing up at different times during the course of the anime and I just haven't noticed. Isn't he the guy who helps America clean out his cupboard?

This episode was great for so many reasons. First of all, it was the first time I’ve seen China actually being funny! Chinese folks running into Europe and America to build Chinatowns and overcharge foreigners, such as racist stereotype and yet so true. Plus, any of those training scenes with Italy and Germany make me laugh, and it immortalised the line ‘the English are coming!!!’ in my Hetalia viewing. Finally, Canada. Just hilarious. This anime keeps jumping between the downright brilliant to the just-plain-dull. If it just had more consistency it would be one of the all-time comedy anime greats.

Episode 20

OK, maybe he isn't Canada...

OK, maybe he isn't Canada...

The grenade gag is one of the oldest tricks in the world. I’d say it was invented before the grenade itself was. And yet I still laughed…I’m so easily amused. Anywho, what this episode did was finish off the America’s storage cleaning thingy and amazingly enough, it was actually quite good. Not funny, but quite touching for Hetalia. Now if they had just kept it to one or two episodes then it would’ve worked far better. Right, and with that I’ve caught up with the releases. I’ll be back to one-episode per week, and this will probably continue on all year since the second season is starts as soon as this one finishes. Which is a shorter wait than the Eden movies anyway…

Wait, you mean I'll have to wait until the dvd release of the Eden Movies before it gets fansubbed!?! ARGGH!!!

Wait, you mean I'll have to wait until the dvd release of the Eden Movies before it gets fansubbed!?! ARGGH!!!

4 Responses to “Hetalia Axis Powers episodes 18-20”

  1. 21 June 2009 at 9:58 am

    Haha! Nope, Canada isn’t the same as the one cleaning at America’s house. It’s Lithuania who’s doing the cleaning while Canada is his brother . . . that he and everyone ignores xD Haha!

    Hetalia episodes had been so much fun xD I’m with you on the . . . AAAAAARRRGGGGGGGHHHH EDEN OF THE EAST MOVIES WHY MAKE ME WAIT SO LONG???!!! *despair*

  2. 21 June 2009 at 4:49 pm

    Why on earth is Lithuania cleaning America’s house? That’s sort of random but hey, Hetalia isn’t exactly the most historically accurate anime in the world.

    Those bloody Eden movies. The anime was hard enough to follow on a weekly basis while trying to remember everything. Now a 6 month gap? I’ll be all like ‘who’s he calling on the phone? Who is this Juiz person?’

  3. 21 June 2009 at 5:15 pm

    Why on earth is Lithuania cleaning America’s house?
    === Lithuania was looking for a job, so England brought him to America’s place if he can work there. America gave him one.

    I don’t remember the historical reference on that. Something to do with Lithuania being poor and having economic problems during that time I think ^^;

    Uuuggghh . . . those Eden movies. Yeah, it was hard to follow weekly and that long gap . . . uuuuggghhh . . .

    Isn’t Juiz an AI? Unless Mononobe was wrong.

  4. 17 November 2009 at 4:40 am

    So it seems Hetalia will also be having a movie released sometime in 2010… can’t wait for that.
    On the subject of cleaning America’s household, it was because Lithuania was very poor at the time- most of the European nations were still trying to make up for what they lost in WW1, so many immigrants were coming over to America, mostly from East Europe (Lithuania especially). If you read the original comics, Lithuania appears in America’s house as an employee and shortly afterward Russia shows up to issue a warning to America about how to treat Lithuania; basically he tells America that Lithuania works hard and doesn’t complain even if something is bothering, so that he has to be careful and take good care of him. It’s one of Russia’s more genuinely touching moments that shows that he actually cares for Lithuania beyond his own needs. Later on the Great Depression hits and Russia comes to reclaim Lithuania because America can no longer support him- supposedly this is when Russia truly begins abusing Lithuania as it is recognized by most of the fans because he left, and Russia is terrfied of him leaving again, but doesn’t know what else to do than to act out violently and control Lithuania as much as possible.
    The comic strips featuring Lithuania in America are called “Lithuania’s Outsourcing”, I think.
    Sorry for rant.

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