Archive for August, 2011


Kimi no Iru Machi ch. 148… Lezzo’s attack!

Yo! During my hiatus I started watching some doramas out of pure boredom. Sure it might sound weird, but that’s just a reflection of how interested I am in the current anime shows. Other than laughing a while with BtTtS2 and screening my imagination with Usagi Drop, I can’t find anything that really pulls me away from my Wii-playing-couch (Damn Mario Sports Mix, it’s quite addictive!)… Ok, got out of the topic… Coming back to the doramas, what I wanted to illustrate was the Asian drama way. Being from Mexico, I’m used to watch some soap operas every now and then, specially those with a historic background, and have found out that the points that make them so popular is that they’re live fairy tales, where the poor cute girl finds her sissy-face prince and live forever happily after defeating countless obstacles, bringing down numerous opponents and convincing his mommy that the raggedy princess is actually worth his love.. (hold on, I’m about to puke.. *gulp*.. ok, let’s keep going).

Continue reading ‘Kimi no Iru Machi ch. 148… Lezzo’s attack!’


Kamisama Dolls 08 – Lets go to the Beach

This is hopefully as close as we’ll get to a filler episode in Kamisama Dolls (fingers-crossed), the old; “Let’s go to the Beach” episode, always a favorite.

It was pretty lolworthy for me because wen they got here, it stormed. And thas what alwasy happens to my family when go to the beach for a holiday. Of course we didn’t have the drama of a tree falling in on us, we just ended up fighting over monopoly, good times.

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The Idolm@ster Ep 8: The Hamzou Streak ends

We were expecting it, but it still stings. For the first time ever, Hamzou doesn’t get any air time on an episode. At this point, only Producer appears in EVERY episode.

But oh boy, Hamzou quickly becomes forgotten when you get a great episode involving Azusa and Makoto. What can I say? It was simply dynamic, even more than the first episode (the interview one).

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Jumpin’ down the rabbit’s hole… Again!

How would a BnB party look like...

Hi there! It’s been a while since I last had the honor to post my shallow words into this wonderful blog. It’s weird how you realize something is important only after you start missing it so badly that holding up without it is actually painful… well, that wasn’t the case in here, but still I really missed writing down for all of you!

Before I start babbling nonsense about many interesting otaku topics, let me apologize to both readers and writers of BnB for my absence. Unfortunately, real life is not precisely like anime or mangas, and sometimes we have to take a small hiatus to set all the wheels back in the road… Fortunately (at least for me..), it seems that I’m all set to get back to my weekly posts.

Well, first of all, I haven’t been completely out of the anime world during this time, and I also have been pending of some manga series pretty interesting to comment about. So, if you allow me, I’d like to give some brief update at least about my main topics. Will update on other series soon!

Continue reading ‘Jumpin’ down the rabbit’s hole… Again!’


Kamisama Dolls Origins: Aki

Yata! As the title suggests, this weeks episode was all about the best part of this show – Aki, and the lad delivers, in spades. He’s origin story is every bit as dark as one would expect but I couldn’t help but think that things could have been so very different for Aki. A series of unfortunate events if you will.

Word of warning, this weeks post is a bit text heavy because so much happens in this episode. (And apologies for the lateness, busy weekend. But because I’ve sat down like four times to finish this, I’ve watched this episode about 30 times and its still awesome!)

I’m Baaaaaacckk!!!

Continue reading ‘Kamisama Dolls Origins: Aki’


Revisiting old series: Gun x Sword

Van on Dann – Vengence will be his…or not? A journey with an epic conclusion, one of the few well done endings for mecha anime, a taste that my fellow bloggers might not have acquired for =p

Title: Gun X Sword
Genre: action, western, fantasy, mecha, comedy
Released date: July 4, 2005 – December 26, 2005
Episode: 26
Director: Goro Taniguchi
Animated by: Studio AIC A.S.T.A

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The Idolm@ster Episode 7: The Hamzou Saga continues

7 episodes…18 is left if this anime is really set for 25 episodes. It’s quite hard to think that this show is a 2-season anime considering the content, but animators probably think the show is a cash cow. I’m sure there’s a lot of fans of the games. I can already imagine the Idolm@ster figurines with detachable clothes. Oh Wait…

Clothes only need to be detachable...

Continue reading ‘The Idolm@ster Episode 7: The Hamzou Saga continues’


No. 6 – Episode 7

I don’t know why it’s taken me so long to bring this up, but if you enjoy high concept sci-fi (which, if you’ve been following No. 6 up until this point, you most likely do) and you haven’t done so already, I absolutely recommend reading Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. It shares many common themes with No. 6 and is (in my opinion) one of the greatest sci-fi novels ever written, alongside the works of George Orwell, William Gibson and Philip K. Dick (In case you haven’t noticed, I have a thing for Sci-Fi).

Anyway, enough of that, let’s talk No. 6, shall we?

Continue reading ‘No. 6 – Episode 7’


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