Archive for June, 2008


Nokia 6220 Classic : Unboxing pictures [Part 1]

If you are here just for the review, skip straight to the post which is two to three paragraphs down.

Sorry for the lack of updates recently but recent episodes of anime does not really deserve a post of their own. Like drawing a gun and getting a triple kill in 0.20s, uh yea Duke, you are a terminator right? Or aliens 3 times bigger than humans who love a bloodbath (think klingons) but are tamed by the songs of a small cute loli. Lolicon aliens. Pffft.

So, with 3G iphone in sight, why in the world have I gotten this nokia 6220 classic?

1) It’s on promotion at SG$188 with 2 years of bondage with Singatel, 3 days limited promotion.

2) It has the specs of N82 without the wifi and using a single core instead of dual core processor.

3) This means good camera handphone = good quality pictures of my toys. Yay!

Continue reading ‘Nokia 6220 Classic : Unboxing pictures [Part 1]’


Gurren Lagann Parallel Works: Take Two

More Gurren Lagann greatness. Maybe the manliness is scaled down in this second video release but Kamina looking sharp as always. After the fight to rescue Nia in a totally different dimension, which was almost happily-ever-after fantasy-like, the faces of Gurren Lagann return with another Parallel Works. This time, it’s pachinko time for Viral. Frankly speaking, I do not enjoy this one as compared to the previous release. But do look out for Viral in an expression you would never thought have seen. That should hold up the interest.

To set the records straight, there is no news for a second season for Gurren Lagann. I highly doubt that myself because the story seems to have a solid end. However there is a confirmed work on the Gurren Lagann movie project, which would probably due by this fall season. Do keep tabs on that one.


Kurenai Complete

A few months back, after sampling the first episode of kurenai, I immediately KIV-ed it till the series finishes knowing the plot will be moving pretty slow, even for a 12 episode series and I was right. The series slowly built up the characters without going into the main plot and eases into the main plot at the right moment without feeling too rushed. It’s a slice of life kinda series but there’s still some pretty nice action scenes which reminded me of nabari no ou, without the jutsu stuff of course.

Along the course of the series, we are treated to mini-lessons of (cliche but eh oh well), true happiness, the lesson of being independent and uh true love? Most importantly, a major point put across is the question of traditions or customs passed down in society/families. Do we have to accept it blindly just because it’s a long lasting tradition or because we have been so diffused into the culture/tradition/custom we are numbed to it? What is the level of standard do we have to compare to to make the right choice? Or are only those with power, be it political, monetary or strength be the one who is right. This actually makes me think of motherland, a certain red dot below Brian’s motherland, Malaysia~. My country certainly has its share of ups and downs but lately…it hasn’t been going too well for a certain ministry what with a few BIG fiascos. Could this be an indication of the future comings? Is it perhaps time for a change of the culture? Revamp the system? Replace the top brass? That certainly didn’t happen in kurenai. In reality, it wouldn’t be possible too. So what happen is we have to fight from within the system. To do so outside the system would only prolong the problem and not solve it. Within the same playing field, even with the opposition having the upperhand, the fight must continue because it must be done.

Hm, objective of reviewing kurenai without revealing spoilers complete. WEeeeeeee! On a side note, Allison and Real Driver got kiv-ed. The former bored me to tears after an exciting first four episodes and the latter seemed to be more fun to watch in one go.


Summer 2008 anime preview

It took me quite awhile to look out for the anime titles with good prospects. Well, there are a few, only because those are sequels to a couple of influential anime series. Other than that, the summer anime season looks very dire. I think it’s okay, considering that we have a huge load of good stuff in the following season of Fall 2008. Gundam 00, Nodame Cantabile: Pari-hen, and Vampire Knight 2, just to name a few. Nevertheless, I give you my top 5 picks for Summer 2008 anime season.


Slayers Revolution
Premiere: 2 July 2008
Network: TV Tokyo, AT-X
Studio: J.C. Staff

After more than 10 years since its last anime title, Slayers Try, Lina Inverse and her companion of mages are back. Even its most recent animation work was the anime movie, Slayers Premium. And that was in the year 2001. Despite being a legend, I only know Lina being the hero character from DotA and not the anime character. Honestly, only today that I found out that Lina Inverse is indeed a tribute to the real Lina Inverse of Slayers. Obviously I have never watched this anime, despite all the credits to its name. Anyway, the staff behind this project do not change, very much to the pleasing of fans to this series. Directed by none other than Watanabe Takashi himself, even the original seiyuu for Lina Inverse, Hayashibara Megumi, is retained. along with the rest of the cast. Fans would definitely not going to miss this and as for noobs like myself, it’s never too late to start now.

Princess no Rondo

Zero no Tsukaima: Princess no Rondo
Premiere: 6 July 2008
Network: Chiba TV, TV Kanagawa
Studio: J.C. Staff

Louise and Saito are back. The same goes for the rest of the staff from the previous title, Zero no Tsukaima: Futatsuki no Kishi. The usual cast includes Kugimiya Rie, Hino Satoshi, Kawasumi Ayako, and now a new addition of Noto Mamiko who will cast for Tiffania Westwood who appeared in the final episode of the second season. This season will pick off where the second season has left off, whereby they faced off against the Albion army as planned by Sheffield, the leader of Reconquistadors. To be frank, I have no idea what is going on with Zero no Tsukaima simply because I never watch this anime before. But this sequel is definitely a must-watch to fans to this series, and also those who love all things moe.

World Destruction

World Destruction: Sekai Bokumetsu no Rokunin
Premiere: 7 July 2008
Network: TV Tokyo, AT-X
Studio: Production I.G.

World Destruction is a SEGA undertaking, originally created for the Nintendo DS game of the same title. The plot is about a boy named Irunisu Kirie (Miyano Mamoru) who possesses the power to destroy the world, though he could not comprehend the reasons of him to have such a power. However because of this, he is forced to join a terrorist group that plots to destroy the world in hopes of renewing it in that way. There, he meets Ashera Morte (Sakamoto Mayaa) and Ri A (Kobayashi Yu). This already great lineup of cast for this production is further added with more greats and among them, Ono Daisuke, Yoshino Hiroyuki, and Furuya Toru. Matsumoto Keita debuts his character design role in this anime, after taking on key animations for xxxHOLiC and Blood+ and Tada Shunsuke takes on the directing. Music is by Ike Yoshihiro, famous for his works on Ergo Proxy and Kamichu! So far, the odds are good for World Destruction.


Premiere: 2 July 2008
Network: Tokyo MX TV
Studio: Seven Arcs

If you like something ecchi for your viewing, then this is the anime you should look out for. This harem anime would fit perfectly to the possible sexual related jokes and probably fantasies. This anime is based on an ongoing manga with the same title published by Square Enix. The story is about the big loser ever known – Sahashi Minato. A college dropout, unemployed, and foremost importantly, no luck with women. Then he meets Musubi, a Sekirei – a human-like life form whose purpose is to fight off another Sekirei in a competition by the mysterious MBI corporation. What Minato doesn’t know is that he is an Ashikabi, a designated master of a Sekirei. Now, it is up to him to find other Ashikabi masters and defeat their Sekirei. That does sounded very familiar. In a way, it reminds me of Fate/Stay Night a bit. As for the production crew, the lead casts are Tachibana Shinnosuke for Minato and Hayami Saori for Musubi. Both names are relatively new and unheard of. But then, you cannot judge the story by production quality alone. At the end of the day, the story matter. Get set for good humour though satisfaction is not necessary guaranteed.

Natsume Yuujin Chou

Natsume Yuujin Chou
Premiere: 7 July 2008
Network: TV Tokyo
Studio: Brain’s Base

Natsume Takashi has the ability to see spirits, just like his grandmother, Reiko could. Since Reiko’s passing, he now inherits a book entitled, The Book of Friends. The problem is that the book is bound with trapped spirits caught by his grandmother, which is why all these spirits are always around him. Now he is ought to free the spirits from the book with the help of a spirit cat named Nyanko-chan. Little does he know that this cat has his own agenda. The supernatural theme of the story immediately grasps my attention and a little bit of a slice of life would make this anime a must-watch. Also a good reason to watch is the lead casts, Kamiya Hiroshi who voices Takashi and Inoue Kazuhiko for Nyanko-chan. Directed by Omori Takahiro, best known for his works in Jigoku Shoujo and Gakuen Alice, Natsume Yuujin Chou sets for a promising start.


Code Geass R2 episode 11

After confirming that Milley is safe, Lelouch hands over his handkerchief to teary-eyed Shirley. Rollo noticed this and asked Lelouch to follow him outside. They walked to the library and into a secret room as Rollo tells him that he is being too nice to others. However Lelouch said that he did what he was instructed to. It was revealed that this Lelouch is actually Sayako who disguised in his place. More after the jump.

Code Geass R2 Continue reading ‘Code Geass R2 episode 11’


Lightning Review of Gundam 00 Portraits 2 : Setsuna and Graham

Some time back in May, I saw this on the shelves of Comics Connection. Alas, the shopkeepers had just changed hands and I didn’t know them well enough to get them to find out the exact pieces within each tikam (randomly packed) package. On the spur of the moment today, I muster up my courage to ask the shopkeeper to help me look for setsuna and graham. Was expecting a brief retort but surprisingly, he agreed. Wee. Pictures of my lucky hoard coming up!

Packaging, Front / Back :

Continue reading ‘Lightning Review of Gundam 00 Portraits 2 : Setsuna and Graham’


Gundam 00 in Reality

It’s 2307 A.D. Three centuries from now, the very foundation of the world’s economy and stability is depleted. Oil – the entity that gives forth energy to mankind had been synonymous to the advancement and progress of human civilization. However now it is no longer available in the 24th century, mankind looks to one  energy source and harness its infinite potential. Supported by three main pillars called the space elevators, an array of solar panel circling the entire planet is developed to harvest this renewable energy and had since, becomes the new standard of energy and also world domination. Then along came the Celestial Being.

Solar Energy
And they began with the ISS.

Yes, this futuristic fiction had grasped our imagination and dared us to think of the impossible of this very plausible scenario. But how far does the reality goes? I have little doubts on the Gundams though the future of humanoid is not excluded from the equation. Solar energy is a little farfetched but it is still likely to happen. However, there won’t be any cast of doubts about the space elevators.

Gundams not included
Gundams not included.


Code Geass R2 episode 10

The coup team led by Xingke and Xianglin realized that Zero has made use of their plan and took Tianzi into their custody. Zero challenged Xingke to give Tianzi the same freedom he wishes to give her. Proceeding to his plans, the Zangetsu – piloted by Todou – made its entrance. More after the jump.

Code Geass R2 Continue reading ‘Code Geass R2 episode 10’


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