Archive for the 'Manga' Category


Cause and Effect

blindability penginSometimes, hearing that a manga you’re reading is getting a run as an anime brings more concern than excitement: Will the animation hold the same quality and be of the same caliber as the print art? Will the plot and storyline stay true to course? Will the anime do the characters justice in their quirks and development? How many episodes will be produced? How many seasons? How will it “end”? Personally, I’ve never had this happen to me (at least not with manga/anime), and while I can imagine the anguish some fans feel when their beloved manga gets man-handled in an anime, I just want to say that sometimes, good will still come of it.


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manga: Onepunch Man

blindability penginIt’s not often I write about manga that I read – actually, this is the first time I’ve posted about manga in general. But there’s something about this particular manga – Onepunch Man – that’s work mentioning. I happened upon this manga by accident; it was one of those times where you fly through the entire list of manga offered by one site, stop randomly, and give whatever you land on a shot. Basically, I was bored. And I know I was bored because despite a lack-lustre preview image (I don’t remember which site I was on when I stumbled upon Onepunch Man) and a fairly uninspired summary (basically about a hero who decimates his opponents with a single punch), I still went on to read it. And I’m very glad I did, because Onepunch Man is pretty awesome.

onepunch duo 01

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This is not only a Fate/Zero post…

Hey, I’m finally back from final exams! Let’s see; I’m 3 episodes late on Fate/Zero… Well, I could start covering them all, but that would take too much time since I’m totally out of shape, writing-wise (and physically). Instead, for this week only (maybe), I’ll do a more blog-ish post that covers random stuffs I’ve seen or read in/about anime/manga during a period of a week (in this case from 12/08/12 to 12/13/12). This involves lazily putting titles, pictures and short non-sensical comments.

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Thai’s Manga Shout-out: Fun Seinen

I know I haven’t blogged Idolm@ster ep 9. It took 3 days for the damn subs to come out. 3 days is enough to take out my motivation to watch the episode. So, why not make a double episode coverage next time? Besides, I don’t have much to say about that episode anyway.

This time, I’m taking a look at some of the newer manga series, more specifically FUN Seinen, that caught my attention lately. When I’m talking about new manga, I limit myself from late 2009 to 2011. Actually, none of them are from 2011. Don’t be so surprised that the series I recommend only range from 6 to 13 chapters. Also, since this is about Fun Seinen, don’t expect a psychological horror to appear on this post.


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Kimi no Iru Machi ch. 148… Lezzo’s attack!

Yo! During my hiatus I started watching some doramas out of pure boredom. Sure it might sound weird, but that’s just a reflection of how interested I am in the current anime shows. Other than laughing a while with BtTtS2 and screening my imagination with Usagi Drop, I can’t find anything that really pulls me away from my Wii-playing-couch (Damn Mario Sports Mix, it’s quite addictive!)… Ok, got out of the topic… Coming back to the doramas, what I wanted to illustrate was the Asian drama way. Being from Mexico, I’m used to watch some soap operas every now and then, specially those with a historic background, and have found out that the points that make them so popular is that they’re live fairy tales, where the poor cute girl finds her sissy-face prince and live forever happily after defeating countless obstacles, bringing down numerous opponents and convincing his mommy that the raggedy princess is actually worth his love.. (hold on, I’m about to puke.. *gulp*.. ok, let’s keep going).

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Jumpin’ down the rabbit’s hole… Again!

How would a BnB party look like...

Hi there! It’s been a while since I last had the honor to post my shallow words into this wonderful blog. It’s weird how you realize something is important only after you start missing it so badly that holding up without it is actually painful… well, that wasn’t the case in here, but still I really missed writing down for all of you!

Before I start babbling nonsense about many interesting otaku topics, let me apologize to both readers and writers of BnB for my absence. Unfortunately, real life is not precisely like anime or mangas, and sometimes we have to take a small hiatus to set all the wheels back in the road… Fortunately (at least for me..), it seems that I’m all set to get back to my weekly posts.

Well, first of all, I haven’t been completely out of the anime world during this time, and I also have been pending of some manga series pretty interesting to comment about. So, if you allow me, I’d like to give some brief update at least about my main topics. Will update on other series soon!

Continue reading ‘Jumpin’ down the rabbit’s hole… Again!’


Now that the world didn’t end.. READ!

Hey there! I hope there are many survivors out there, otherwise, writing down this post for purposes other than keeping a personal diary would be meaningless…

While waiting for the world’s end (again…) I had nothing I would like to die watching, hence I started checking on my manga sites and found out some really good titles (well, not all of them, but some where highly recommendable…). So I thought to myself that if another apocalypse is about to happen soon (you know, every 2 or 3 months the world is about to end at one point or the other… ) these are some titles that you could read while your parents wall the doors, granny prays in unknown languages in front of a set of candles in a corner of the room and your neighbors run like headless chickens around your yard (for those that are laughing, this is not a joke, but an anecdote…).

So, hope you like these recomendations, and if you don’t, I’m always open to suggestions (and donations, of course..)

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Kimi no Iru Machi ch.135 – Flashback?

These situations were the ones that made me like this manga so far…

Anybody remembers someone called Azuka???


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