Posts Tagged ‘Spice and Wolf


September Roundup

Last month I said I would get myself a Crunchyroll account and finally get back into watching Gintama. However, with college starting, I’ve been quite busy (those parties are tough work ya know) and barely able to keep up with the weekly anime. However with Crunchyroll getting their hands of loads of anime this season (most notably Letter Bee, which I had my eye on blogging) I might actually give in this time. Gintama here we come!

Gintoki looking pretty damn manly if I may say so myself


Continue reading ‘September Roundup’


August Roundup

One anime you won’t see in this list is Gintama. It’s not because it’s a bad show, oh far from it. Gintama is one of the greatest and most consistent anime comedies in existence. The problem is I’m stalled at episode 70 and I haven’t gotten a Crunchyroll membership yet. What’s stopping me is the fact that, thanks to region restrictions, I get only a fraction of the anime an American would get for exactly the same price! But I’m starting to give in. I really want to watch Gintama again.



Continue reading ‘August Roundup’


July Roundup

I’ve been wanting to do these monthly roundup posts for a while now but I wanted to wait until I had a loyal following who genuinely cared about what I had to say. However after realising that I would never achieve that level of internet stardom I decided I would post them anyway.


I’m going to use my letter-grade system for these because I’ve found that this system works the best for me.

Continue reading ‘July Roundup’


First Impressions: Needless, Canaan, Princess Lover, Bakemonogatari, Spice and Wolf Season 2, Tokyo Magnitude

I should have had this post out earlier but I was busy getting thoroughly wet at a giant music festival. I am never camping at a music festival again. I’ve done it twice now and I feel I’ve now gotten a proper feel for festival camping aka: it’s very fucking wet.


The goddess has returned. You know, the one who’s name begins with a H. Yup, of course I’m talking about Horo!

My Rating System Explained!

A = If you watch anything this season, watch this

B = Very good, sometimes surprisingly so.

C = If you have the time, you should check this out

D = Not my kind of thing, I won’t be watching this

E = Bad. Very bad, ignore this show

F = Frustratingly awful

Continue reading ‘First Impressions: Needless, Canaan, Princess Lover, Bakemonogatari, Spice and Wolf Season 2, Tokyo Magnitude’


Summer 2009 Anime Season Preview

I was sitting down by my computer, wondering what I should have for lunch, when my phone went off. ‘Err, Juiz? I know there are a bunch of anime airing this summer but I don’t know much about any of them. Could you possibly write up a season preview for me, with pictures and your opinion as to whether they’ll be any good or not?’

With Eden coming to a close, we are going to need something new to fill the void

With Eden coming to a close, we are going to need something new to fill the void

Order received. Noblesse Oblige. Please continue to be a Messiah. 

Continue reading ‘Summer 2009 Anime Season Preview’


Anime 2008: A year in review

How the hell am I supposed to open this post? I’m talking about every single anime in 2008, the best and the worst in every category. I haven’t seen everything this year obviously, such as Aria, ef, Shigofumi and DMC, but I’ve had a chance to check out pretty much everything else. Anyway, here we go 😀

Since I'm limiting this to only anime which began airing in 2008, there will be no Gintama. But it deserves a mention anyway for being so consistently funny

Since I'm limiting this to only anime which began airing in 2008, there will be no Gintama. But it deserves a mention anyway for being so consistently funny

Continue reading ‘Anime 2008: A year in review’


Spice and Wolf (Anime Preview)

Recently my sole download source for my anime has been blocked by the local proxy (the campus internet provider is just being too stringent). There might be a possibility that I will put my anime review on hiatus until the situation is lifted off.

Welcome to the medieval age where Mother Nature is a religion, wolves are worshipped as a pagan deities, and the Church began to spread its influence throughout the whole of Europe. Yes, Spice and Wolf has that for its time setting and judging by the name, “Wolf” would probably refer to the pagan deity and “Spice” is simply the medium of trade during that era. Spice was gold then, though now money is the standardized currency. With such a setting and some obvious hints, I have much clear view of how the story would go. Furthermore this anime is an IMAGIN studio undertaking and I have high hope for IMAGIN which has affiliated to anime like Mushi-shi, Eureka 7 and Eyeshield 21. Certainly I expect great animation scope into this one and I have the feeling that this might be as good as Seirei no Moribito. I hope.

Spice and Wolf
Spice and Wolf Continue reading ‘Spice and Wolf (Anime Preview)’


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