Posts Tagged ‘Gundam 00 Season 2


Anime 2008: A year in review

How the hell am I supposed to open this post? I’m talking about every single anime in 2008, the best and the worst in every category. I haven’t seen everything this year obviously, such as Aria, ef, Shigofumi and DMC, but I’ve had a chance to check out pretty much everything else. Anyway, here we go 😀

Since I'm limiting this to only anime which began airing in 2008, there will be no Gintama. But it deserves a mention anyway for being so consistently funny

Since I'm limiting this to only anime which began airing in 2008, there will be no Gintama. But it deserves a mention anyway for being so consistently funny

Continue reading ‘Anime 2008: A year in review’


[In Progress]Gundam 00 S2 Episode 4: Reason for fighting

Summary of Episode 4 below. I kid.


[In Progress]Gundam 00 S2 Episode 3: The Strategy to Rescue Allelujah

I gotta say this : This is the BEST episode so far for season 2. It’s full of win  and GAR from setsuna and crew. Epic battle scenes. Watch this space for the full review some time soon, got lots of schoolwork these few days. Waking up at 0700hrs and leaving school at 2000 hrs is no joke two days in a row. In the meantime, shock and awe from the powderful gundams!

Recycling is goood.

Continue reading ‘[In Progress]Gundam 00 S2 Episode 3: The Strategy to Rescue Allelujah’


Gundam 00 S2 Episode 2: Twin Drives

This episode builds up from episode 1 as setsuna gathers the remaining personnel for celestial being, namely Lynes and Sumeragi. There sure is a lot of hints and questions of future plots from the OP and ED so I will just note down my thoughts together with a brief summary. I have many pictures which I wish to caption but due to time constraint, I could only insert all of them as a gallery and hyperlink them to my ‘review/summary’. Hope you guys enjoy the screenies as much as I do.

Continue reading ‘Gundam 00 S2 Episode 2: Twin Drives’


Fall/Autumn Anime: Gundam 00 Season 2, Toradora, Hyakko, Akane iro ni Somaru Saka

I was going to put all the shows into one BIG post, but I’d have trouble getting through the whole thing, so I’d assume you, reader, would get bored too. So I’m going to cover 4 shows at a time. Keep tuned!

My Rating System Explained!

A = If you watch anything this season, watch this

B = Very good, sometimes surprisingly so.

C = If you have the time, you should check this out

D = Not my kind of thing, I won’t be watching this

E = Bad. Very bad, ignore this show

F = Frustratingly awful

Continue reading ‘Fall/Autumn Anime: Gundam 00 Season 2, Toradora, Hyakko, Akane iro ni Somaru Saka’


Gundam 00 S2 Episode 1: The Angels Advent

Finally, the return of the terminator! Gundam Exia! Or what remains of it. I would like to skip giving a summary but I thought it would be better to write down my thoughts together with a brief summary. As such, SPOILERS ARE TO BE EXPECTED!

Thoughts and comments:

Wow, Gundam 00 Season 2 sure started out with a big bang! Flashy mecha engagements, big nice fireworks and a revamped political landscape. Same ol gundam with even more new mechas! Tis a good season to begin. The insert music is very fitting as well for the A-laws which chills me whenever listen to it. Cold heartless A-laws? Not surprising considering ribbons, probably a cyborg is in charge of A-laws, made up of a bunch of blood thirsty warmongers. Or not. Just doing their job, ridding the world of kataron. so what is kataron?

P.S. Will add in more pictures later!

Continue reading ‘Gundam 00 S2 Episode 1: The Angels Advent’


Gundam 00 OP/fansub


The OP is up by UVERworld no less! The video is not very clear so I can’t really comment much other than what it seems to be at the end where Setsuna is matched up against Ali again. So where does Graham fits in? Hai.

The raw is out and as we, fans of gundam 00 await the first release, which do you think of the follwoing groups will release it first or release it even? Watch this post to find out.

Groups : Nyoro~n Fansubs, Mendoi & Conclave, Shinsen-subs, Darksoul-Fansubs, gg & BSS, Shintei-Subs

Last season, Mendoi & conclave, nyoro and shinsen were the only groups subbing it with taking an early exit due to an accident of their translator. This season, we have 3 more different releases to contend with. Previously, nyoro and mendoi were the fastest releases with mendoi faltering during the last few episodes. This season, we have gg known for their fast speedsubs but they are working with BSS who may slow them down. The two horses are Darksoul and Shintei who we hope will bring to us quick subs as well.

The wait beings!

Edit: Looks like gg+BSS are still as fast as ever and released together with nyoro. I am acquiringa copy now and hope to do the review soon.


Gundam 00 Trailer 5

This new trailer is pretty short but considering the second season is fast approaching, this is just the beginning of what bandai will feed us for the next half of the year! woohoo! It appears that the translation of the organisation Arrows was wrong, it’s supposed to be A-Laws. Soo, instead of being outlaws…they are A-Laws? Any guesses as to what A represent?

Also, saji is locked up with a laptop plugged to a pink Haro. I reckon he is on Ptolemaeus 2 after being recruited and disobeying orders, just like lockons, edit : allelujha (Thanks to Lordfoamy for the headsup, uni is killing my braincells) Wonder what he did…point a gun at Setsuna? =p


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