Archive for the 'Random' Category


happy new year!~

To be honest, the only thing I like about starting a new year is that I get to eat piles of broiled squid frozen in our family freezer for an entire year.  Believe me it’s fking amazing.  You have to freeze it for an entire year because then, the moisture of the squid slowly leaves and you just get the nice chewy meat.  It makes a fucking difference I tell you.  Why do I even bother trying to convince…. brb. Ok back, just had to watch the New York ball drop.  as I was saying… oh yeah! I knew you were hopeless ever since I found out you didn’t like mochi.  Anyways, a sincere Happy New Years for all my readers out there.  I need to free my hands from typing so I can shove more squid into my mouth. PEACE!

This is what the broiled squid in my mouth synesthetically like.

Synesthetically what the squid I’m eating perceives to me as.


For The Win by Cory Doctorow Book Review

I digressed too much as I was writing this. So you’ll just have to click continue on reading, because the intro got too wonky to use as an intro.  It’s extra long to compensate for something ;D

Continue reading ‘For The Win by Cory Doctorow Book Review’


all good things come to an end

And for some, earlier than others. As the Aniblog Tourney moves forward, Bokutachi no BLOG is honoured to hold down the fort here in Round Three while others continue to fight in Round Four. (That is to say we lost.) One of the greatest things about this Tourney is the amount of feedback you can get from people, some who would never have visited your blog if not for the tournament; critiques on style, format, visuals, content – all good stuff, and maybe even a compliment here and there. It’s not hard to tell that Team Zero has succumbed to an attack of the Lazies, and it’s really made me rethink things, like ‘Can I fire my entire writing team if they don’t get paid in the first place?’

I’m just kidding. Plus that would be extremely hypocritical of me since I bunk with Lazy on a frequent basis. But I’m eternally grateful to everyone who visits (even by accident, considering some of the search terms that come up in our stats), comments, and/or lurks. Whether you’ve followed us from the years of Brian the Original or are just passing through, we truly appreciate everyone!

Round One: The G-Empire | Round Two: Nopy’s Blog | Round Three: Atarashii Prelude, Loli Salad, and OGIUE MANIAX


that Aniblog Tourney thing…

… is still going on. There was a massive delay to the start of Round Three as the moderators tried to come up with a more secure system of voting. Round Three is also a bit different in that you get two votes to cast among a choice of four competing blogs. Bokutachi no BLOG is currently up against Atarashii Prelude, Loli Salad, and OGIUE MANIAX. If you are planning on voting, make sure you cast both votes in one visit because if you complete one vote for one blog, you won’t be able to vote again for another – or at least that’s what happened to me. (It’s okay: if Bokutachi loses by one vote, I won’t feel bad. Especially since I’m anticipating losing by a whole lot more, haha.)

I have to admit I feel a bit bad about making it this far – there are many other blogs that put in a lot more effort than we do and who are far more consistent. But I’m grateful nonetheless and while I do hope people are discovering new blogs through the Aniblog Tourney, we’ll continue to fight here on our end.

Thanks again to everyone who’s following the Tourney! If nothing else, check out the comments; there’s always some sort of drama going on there…

(Round One: The G-Empire | Round Two: Nopy’s Blog)


Thank You

I really want to express my gratitude to everyone who’s been following the Aniblog Tourney, visiting all the different blogs, reading old posts, new posts, and random posts, compiling your thoughts and critiques, then taking it to the polls and voting. It’s a miracle Bokutachi no BLOG has made it past the second round against Nopy’s Blog and it’s all thanks to our readers. I’m grateful not just for your votes but for your dedication to this site and our little team. I know we don’t write as much as a team of six writers should, and you’ve had to put up with inconsistent posting, drunken writers, hijacked accounts, and the over usage of punctuation, but this is also why this win as well as our last means so much to me.

But it’s not just about our blog or winning but about discovering new aniblogs and improving the existing ones. So please keep visiting, reading, commenting, and voting. And if out of all the aniblogs participating, if you can’t find any one site or any one writer you like, well then start your own blog! Who knows: you may be the best thing that’s yet to happen to the aniblogsphere. … You know, the best thing after Scamp, that is.

So thank you again – sincerely, from the bottom of my stomach, which is more important than my heart.

(Round One: The G-Empire | Round Two: Nopy’s Blog)


Aniblog Tourney: Update 1

The 2nd annual Aniblog Tourney is in full swing with the first round to completed within the the week, in fact it could already be done, the round is so massive I get lost. And by some wondrous miracle the aniblog gods have seen to it that we won our first match and by a surprisingly large margin too.

So seeing the whole point of the tourney is to readers and visitors to other interesting aniblog’s I thought it’d be a good idea to put the spotlight on our opponents.

Continue reading ‘Aniblog Tourney: Update 1’


congratulations Scamp!

You’re officially too popular for your own good.


Let the Hunger Games Begin

Well it’s that time again when anime blogs are pitted against each other to vie for the title of Victor in the Aniblog Tourney. Voting has already begun and by the end of the day, we will have four losers – the next day, four more.

Perhaps it’s better to lose as winning brings its own anxieties: Did you just beat out the blog of a friend? Can you really relax when your next opponent is so strong? Will the Gamemakers throw out a cruel twist? And just how many clever tricks can you put into play to keep going until the very end.

Continue reading ‘Let the Hunger Games Begin’


Welcome to Bokutachi no Blog. That's "Our Blog" in Japanese. Our Anime Blog, to be exact. And if you landed to this page by accident, probably in search for ecchi stuff, then you should regret to have hit this page. Don't worry, this blog is children-safe and no misdemeanor acts here. Sorry, you bald, middle-aged perverts. But thanks for the hit anyway.

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