
Asura Cryin’ Season 2 Episode 7: Part 1

When I download my episodes I watch them with VLC media player. And not too recently ago, I discovered that I could take snapshots of my videos. So after I’ve been doing for a while now, finally forming a steady pace, it seems like the snapshot thing is acting weird. For some reason when I take a snap and I look at the photo in my pictures folder it comes out in very strange color. I don’t know what you might call it, but I know it’s not the Negative effect… It’s more like false color or something to that sort. Whatever was red becomes blue and vice-versa.


Well, even though it looks weird, I’ll just have to cope with it for now. I must post this episode before I get any later… XD

BLOOD BLOOD! Be careful everyone, Asura Cryin' has stepped up from the PG13 level!

So if anyone hadn’t noticed before, Asura Cryin’ did not show anyone die up until now, let alone bleed. Instead they just used the “Crystallization” effect on several cases. I’m not sure why they held the “Bloody scenes” up until now, but I’m guessing they just wanted to build the suspense of what I would consider the Saddest, Bloodiest, Cruelest, yet awesome-est episode ever… Episode 7.

These pictures look like they’re memories from the past because of all this sepia toned business. Why FLV!? Ok, so by now they’ve come to agree to the terms these people (the Picasso masked girl and Ice Phoenix girl) have offered them. Yet, they lost not only their house, but it seems like Toru got blown up as well. Wow, that was unexpected, yet a bit expected.

And now their counter attack begins. Susugihara (or you might call her You) pops out from behind the enemy and tries to take them by surprise. Their whole plan was a bit unfaithful to the story line though. Why? If you think about it, the enemies knew where they were living, blew it up, tried to kill them by a knife, and “killed” the only ex-handler that could help them. They basically knew their every move. So, Susugihara hiding behind a rock and going Peek-a-Boo seemed a little to obvious to me.

But hey, I can’t complain much. This scene (above) looks awesome!

Boy, Seven Arcs has really been impressing me lately with this jaw-dropping animation. If there’s anything that makes me stare at the screen and say, “Come ON, kick that ASS!”, it’s definitely going to be some good’ol fashion mecha action. With these fighting scenes in just the first half of the episode Asura gets A++ right off the bat. *Thumbs up*

Kanade is something else, isn’t she? One thing I noticed and now admire is watching people like Kanade develop as a character. We’ve seen her go from this really shy girl to a girl who now isn’t afraid to show her feeling, or at least to some extent. And what’s driving me crazy is that all they have to do is get together and she’ll live!

Just KISS for ‘akuma’ sake! Geez.

If I could translate the look in the eyes of Kurogane, it would probably say this: “Get the F*** out of the way, you Pigeon!”

My expression when I saw Tooru was, WHAT?! And the funny, yet cruel, part about it is that her first words are, “Pretty good trick, don’t you think?” So I guess that explains the random “death” of Toru earlier. OK, so that’s one less person on the good side.

Toru Kitsutaka- ELIMINATED

Because everyone was in awe after seeing Toru turn to the dark side along with Darth Vader and them, that gave her a chance to now get rid of Shirogana and Susugihara. They still haven’t explained why the death of an Asura effects the Handler but whatever. Sad scene, but well done. I personally hope that You will come back to join the fight… somehow. OK, that’s one more down and out.

You Susugihara- ELIMINATED

No mercy whatsoever in the enemy’s heart, as she takes a final blow to Kanade when she’s distracted. Wow, they’re not holding back, are they? Normally by now there’s a savior or a chance to save them all, but no. All of them are dying one by one. She way too weak to protect Tomoharu any longer.

Kanade Takatsuki- ELIMINATED

And tonight’s special guest here at the Asura Pub is… Tomoharu Natsume, from the very well know 1st world! Let’s give him a hand. OK, here what we might call the stopping point of all this madness. After seeing the agony in the eyes of Tomo when watching his loved ones wither away, this might just be our chance to revive the team.

Well, maybe not.

4 Responses to “Asura Cryin’ Season 2 Episode 7: Part 1”

  1. 1 Yorichigo
    20 November 2009 at 4:27 am

    Dude WTF… awesome I love so much this show lol thank for the review… nicely done 😀

  2. 2 kaza
    20 November 2009 at 10:11 am

    Thanks! 😀

    *Kaza’s spirits has been lifted*
    *Kaza no longer wants to throw his laptops out the window*


  3. 3 Morshed
    20 November 2009 at 2:26 pm

    This episode was intense.. really had me on the edge of my seat, but I think I knew who the Picasso mask girl was from the start..Good review though. Please keep reviewing ^_^.

  4. 4 kaza
    21 November 2009 at 7:48 am

    cool… I got the other half ready… I just got a little busy and couldn’t get to posting it… (sorry) lol…

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