
12 Days of Anime #10: 10 Days of Moshidora

Day 10 and today I’m taking you all back to a rather trying time in Japan. If you recall Japan was struck by some truely awful earthquakes which lead to destructive tsunami’s as well. This affect the whole of Japan and obviously the anime industry, most Spring shows were delayed in some way or another but none more than my choice for the season – Moshidora.

Originally scheduled to be one of the first anime to air  for the season (late March), it delayed util the last week of April and then on top of that for some reason beyond me they decided to air an episode every day of the week. So as there are only 10 episodes in the series, I had to blog 10 episodes of Moshidora in 10 days – not fun I can asure you.

Although at the time I was very greatful that there were only 10 episodes so that I was able to sort of able to keep it under control (I actually didn’t, I took the easy route out and did one post for the last 4 episodes) but as it drew to an end I was really wanting more. In fact I was actually quite angry because I only found out after episode 7 that it would only be a 10 episode show and it completely befuzzled me.

Why? Because they had barely shown any actual baseball in the baseball anime! I had high hopes for this being a decent sporting anime as the seem to be a dying breed these days but it was not to be. Yes the sporting bits were good but ultimately it was over-shadowed by the managerial revelations and the BIG twist at the end, if you don’t know what I’m talking about you better give the show a watch.

In hindsight though, the daily epsiodes definately kept the excitment up and momentum flowing in what otherwise was a VERY slow build up to a very climatic finish in my opinion. The last three episodes were absolutely fantastic and the daily episodes certainly made the cliffhanger endings bearable.

Moshidora was definately one of my favorites of the year, at least the second half of the show was as I really thought I had picked yet another dud to blog (I thought Production I.G. had finally let me done). At 10 episodes its a really worthwhile watch for anybody looking to pass some time, you never know maybe that 3rd will hit you as hard as it did me.

2 Responses to “12 Days of Anime #10: 10 Days of Moshidora”

  1. 1 jGLZa
    17 December 2011 at 6:01 am

    Google tells me there is a live action of this, I must watch it!

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