
It’s About Time

I flipped through the newspaper and reached the classified and and advertisement page. Honestly there is nothing to see there, so usually I would make a skip on that particular part of the paper. This would probably done by most other newspaper readers out there, isn’t it? Somehow yesterday I had the urge to peek on the page for no particular reason whatsoever. And then I saw it. Starbucks Coffee is looking fresh recruitments for their new coming store in Kuching soon. What?

Starbucks Job AdAnd Starbucks is hiring.Starbucks has finally reached Sarawak shores, ladies and gents. Calling all Kuching coffee addicts, get set to have a blast of coffee goodness. I am particularly reaching out on those Starbucks enthusiast such as myself because Starbucks is now available in Kuching. This helps us (and me) a lot so as I won’t need to feed my lust for that awesome Starbucks Coffee to thousands of miles away from home – in Peninsular Malaysia and Kota Kinabalu. Location of the store is not affirmed yet but my guess is that the new and first Starbucks Coffee store would likely to open in the spanking new Kuching International Airport. Get me a ticket to Kuching and I’m on my way to Starbucks!

3 Responses to “It’s About Time”

  1. 1 Coffee??
    17 June 2007 at 12:45 am

    Dear Brian,

    Spot on…yes,its no secret that we are going to open in Kuching. The first store would be on Public Councourse, Level 3, Kuching International Airport. For you guys who know where KFC is, it is right before KFC, opposite the airport surau and Sarakraf shoppe. Since it is at the public concourse, all are invited!

    When do you ask? July 2007- date would be somewhere between 8-10 July.
    Keep your eyes for adverts on the opening date!

    Its coffee time!

  2. 2 Eileen
    4 July 2007 at 2:30 pm

    Hey can i have the number to call to apply for work ? Please….. thanks in advance.

  3. 3 Brian
    4 July 2007 at 7:08 pm

    I’m sorry. I don’t have the number. I saw this on the newspaper ad. All the job interview details were there. I wish I could help but I don’t still have that newspaper cutting now. If I am not mistaken, the job interview was a walk-in interview at the airport’s concourse area. I think by now there won’t any available job vacancy.

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