Posts Tagged ‘Showa Monogatari


Spring 2011 Anime Preview


Makes it hard to keep watching... but I suggest you try your best to..

After overcoming many difficulties, surpassing our own limits and exercising our cynicism (and chauvinism, and probably cretinism too..) capacity to its top, we finally finished with the Spring Season Review article today! (Whee!). Be kind, remember that Team Zero is 60% built out of newbies whose larger post is not even half this one. Anyway, feel free to read what each one of us thinks about the coming shows, pick your bests, identify yourself with our authors and definitely watch the animes… that way you will come back to us looking for answers XD.

So, since I know you have been waiting for this too long, let’s proceed to the main attraction:

Continue reading ‘Spring 2011 Anime Preview’


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