
Sora no Manimani episode 3

Greetings one and all to my blog post on Sora no Manimani episode 3 and a bit of a lackluster episode it was if I may say so myself. However just saying that doesn’t constitute as a legitimate, thought-provoking, humorous blog post so I guess I shall have to say 695 more words.


Yet again I’m leading with a picture of the club president. Is there really any other way to begin?

How dare you do this to Hime Saku-chan!

How dare you do this to Hime Saku-chan!

The episode started off in the best way possible with a barrage of sexual innuendo’s, although when Mihoshi said ‘it made me feel itchy inside’ I started to feel slightly worried for her. What has she picked up from Saku-chan? Plus the reactions of everyone was priceless, from Hime to the Student council president. But not that annoying miniature kid. I’m sick of him already. He’s not even in the astronomy club, why is he even in this show? Is anyone else waiting for him to start sticking dattebayo onto the end of his sentences? He got more time in this episode than the club president and when that happens, you know this episode had problems. Get your priorities right Sora no Manimani.


Don’t you just know they are supposed to be together.

Actually that brings me onto the subject of shipping. Now I have no problem with pairing characters up because you feel they are right for each other. However what I noticed was that people where deciding by episode 2 which pairing they would cheer for. This is NOT a game of  football. You don’t just randomly pick a pairing at the beginning to support through the thick and thin. You wait for the anime to convince you that those two are right for each other and that if anything else happens then the anime hasn’t fulfilled it’s duty of making a believable relationship. The same logic should be applied to Haruhi fans. You don’t support an anime no matter what it goes through. This is not sport for gods sake. It’s an entertaining cartoon, not a stress-filled 90 minutes that most football matches are for me.

Besides we all know what the perfect ending is. Saku-chan will stay alone in the library perfectly happy by himself, the club president will have a massive harem of his own with all the women in this sh0w and that mini guy will have an anvil dropped on his head.

Hime's sister needs to show up more. Preferably as the club presidents girlfriend

Hime's sister needs to show up more. Preferably as the club presidents girlfriend. And with less clothes

The entire second half of this episode really didn’t work. It dragged out the whole romance of the night sky for far too long. Last episode waited for the right moment to bring out the thoughtful monologues and kept it short and sweet. It worked then while this episode it just didn’t work at all. Which left a rather bad taste in my mouth but hopefully this was just a short dent in what was shaping out to be a thoroughly enjoyable romcom.

Anyone else looking forward to the new Darker than Black?

Anyone else looking forward to the new Darker than Black?

It appears I have some blogging competition for this anime but thankfully Random Curiosity doesn’t appear to be blogging this. Lucky me, I just can’t stand up to the might of Omni. Talking about other blogs, I accidentally deleted my entire Google Reader so I have been going on a bit of an anime blog hunt recently. My award to best-blog-I-have-no-idea-why-I-haven’t-been-reading-it-thus-far-even-though-he’s-a-bit-moecentric goes to Anime on my Mind. On the other end of the spectrum, Hey Say Anime is an absolute disaster of an anime blog. The average age of the blog appears to be 11. There’s probably a good writer in that blog but they have been drowned out by the rest of the garbage who’s voice you can actually hear breaking as you read their posts. OK, rant over.

As he was catapulted into the heart of the sun, everyone stood back and reflected that, indeed, nothing of value had been lost

As he was catapulted into the heart of the sun, everyone stood back and reflected that, indeed, nothing of value had been lost

So yeah, this wasn’t a great episode for Sora no Manimani but I’m going to keep supporting this anime through whatever it throws at us because that’s what a true anime fan does! Oh, and while cheering for SakuXHime, MihoshiXClub_President and Annoying_BratXAnvil.

2 Responses to “Sora no Manimani episode 3”

  1. 30 July 2009 at 3:50 pm

    There goes the Sun’s first victim; gulped him right up.

  2. 6 August 2009 at 2:58 am

    I liked the Hime scene better in the manga –
    -even though it was almost exactly the same

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