
Mayoi Neko Overrun episode 2 metablogged

What an amusing episode.  Well, dunno what to really say about this.  All’s fair is that I’m going to just metablog this episode and consider whether I should/should not continue to watch this episode.  Like always, I’ll consider the comments whether I should stop/continue to blog Mayoi Neko Overrun!

“To the episode’s credit, I did enjoy seeing more of Nozomi and how she’s soft-spoken, naive, yet incredibly smart and talented at the same time, plus the initial workings of a love triangle between her, Fumino, and Takumi. That was one area that showed a bit of promise, even though it’s highly unlikely relationships will get anywhere in a harem-esque series such as this. At only twelve episodes long, it risks falling to mindless levels akin to To LOVE-Ru (but shorter and without the ecchi-ness), which is one of the reasons why I felt it was difficult to recommend back in the Spring 2010 Preview. Still, as a patient viewer who’s not expecting too much depth to being with, I have no problems sticking around in hopes of improvement. All I really want is some entertainment value, which shouldn’t be too difficult if the episodes don’t try do too much at time. With that said, here’s to hoping that the next episode will be better, as I like the quirky characters and feel this series has potential to better than it has been thus far.”

– DIVINE from Random Curiosity

“Well, on the downside (or upside depending on what you expected), this was more or less the exact same as the first episode, although far far less visually ambitious. That did mean that its budgetary shortcomings were a lot less noticeable too, but most of those little stylistic quirks and whatnot have already vanished completely. The first half was more or less completely braindead, but things were a lot better in the second. I still despise whose-his-face in glasses, but he does work well with Chise. Horie Yui also remains a cypher, popping up out of nowhere to grope Fumino or declare that Nozomi has a God Hand and then disappearing again.”

– Aroduc from Tenka Seiha

“This week’s episode is more of a “bridge” episode, since the pacing went down a few notches. Unfortunately, the flaw from last week is still around, mainly how the story flow is so jarring at times where things are being moved forward without a smooth transition, makes the episode a lot less lackluster as well. Nozomi is great to have around though, she can practically do anything!

Tons of fanservice from Nozomi and Chise though, for those who like naked bodies, and Fumino gets to show off some too in the sukumizu. Too bad there was a lack of zettai ryouiki focus. I was hoping they could keep that up.”

Kurogane’s Anime Blog

On a side note, my next controversial argument will be “Disney vs. Anime”.  Look forward to it XD

1 Response to “Mayoi Neko Overrun episode 2 metablogged”

  1. 1 blindability
    15 April 2010 at 7:21 am

    Ooh. Metablog style.
    But where’s YOUR thoughts Spiral?

    To be honest I haven’t watched this show yet, but I AM looking forward to Disney vs anime, haha. Or I guess Disney animation vs Japanese animation?

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