
Nyan Koi Episode 5

Maybe I’m pushing it too far, but this show is by far one of the funniest I’ve ever seen. Some people recommended me to watch FLCL some time ago, but I still haven’t finished watching it only because it didn’t exactly catch my attention. But Nyan Koi did. OK, maybe I’m a sucker for these non-original comedies with super funny and sexy characters, but I do prefer to watch something with a good story-line such as DTB. So just keep in mind that even though I have expectations for this show my standard for quality is still high. ๐Ÿ™‚

NK5 1

To tell you the truth I thought this episode was heading downhill as soon as Nagi challenged Junpei to make up his mind between her or Mizuno. Normally, poor story lines will have the main character spend a whole episode just trying to explain to the girl that he doesn’t like her. And in the end, at least most of the time, nothing changes between him and the one he loves. But I knew this Meow Meow-filled show would not fail me so soon. Thus, Junpei got strait to the point and rejected Nagi. Which by the way, was a hilarious scene. Nagi, with her samurai spirit, decided to help Junpei conquer his lady, Mizuno. But if he were to fail, he would be forced to marry the Evil Step Sister… Oh wait, sorry. Wrong show, XD.

You know, at first I thought that Nagi would play dirty and try to get Jupnei to fall in love with her anyways. Yet, that’s not the case. And I’m glad too, because if it was the show might get a little too annoying. Hurray for Sensei!

And so the pumpkin turns into a Carriage and... Wait a minute, nevermind. Wrong show again.

I’m very glad to see that there relationship actually progress, and in a fun way too. One to many shows spend way too much time on those worthless events where in the end he can’t even get his thought across to the girl. This progression does have a downside though. You see, if they move too fast, then we might come to what is know as, “The love Story Halt”. It’s when they’ve come to the climax in their relationship and they can no longer keep the story interesting. Same thing goes if they move to fast and the show only lasts for a few episodes.

But keep in mind that quality is much better than quantity. That goes for you long running shounen fanboys out there! So if this show does end quick but with a great story behind it, then I’ll be more then pleased. ๐Ÿ™‚

NK5 3

Finally they’ve dedicated some time for us to grow more familiar with our main character, Mizuno. And I absolutly fell in love with her personality! Of course, we did witness her air headed-ness along with her major slap attack on our young Junpei, but that’s all history now that we’ve seen the much cuter side of ‘scared little Kaede’. We deffinatly know that she’s got feeling for Junpei now, but by God why does she still think that He’s dating Kanoko.

Darn Kanoko, keep on getting in the frikken way, XD. But you got to admit, that very typical for a show like this to have a sidetracker. Although I think the story behind Kanoko and Junpei will go much deeper then just an annoying childhood friend. Don’t get me wrong though, I do like her and she’s definitely considered a necessity for Nyan Koi.

Ring Ring!

WTF! THROUGH THE PHONE OUT THE DAMN WINDOW! … *breaths deeply* … OK, I think I’m good now, XD. A good friend of mine commented that her heart almost melted when she saw this. And even though I’m a guy and this might seem a little too girl-ee-ish, I’m still going to say it… My heart didn’t melt, it caught on fire! Of course, with Kanoko calling Mizuno on her cellphone and the hilarious expressions on there faces makes this scene my favorite of all this episode.


The doggy treats was so funny; great come back Mizuno! Oh, and did you all hear what Kanoko said in her mind when Mizuno had asked if they were dating? Yea, I was expecting her to say something a little more aggresive but instead she responded better then I expected. Saying, “I want her to be happy, but Junpei worries me. If you like her why don’t you confess to her already!” You know, that move may actually spark some conflict in the future if you think about it. Either that or she might take the same path as Nagi, in the end helping him out.

By the way, what are those hooks on the side of the desks? For shoes? Or maybe some Diabolical weapons?

NK5 6

For anyone that thought that Junpei had his fill on girls with, 1) an ass-crazy hot college mail lady 2) an ex-mountain witch with d-cups 3) a crazy powerful tomboy yuri 4) and his beloved air-headed Mizuno… well, you were wrong. They have yet to properly introduce the “twin tailed twins” that I know for certain that he WILL win over there hearts too. Shux, what a lady killer. Men, we have a lot to learn from this cat-cursed dude.

Oh, right. I almost forgot to mention about one of the most important parts about this episode. In the end, we’re finally reminded that Junpei is indeed still cursed, and apparently there are other people involved in this big mess too. A ‘black cat shadow’? Geeze, is Nyan Koi going to get all mystical on us now? And by the looks of the preview photos I got, it looks like he’s going to have to get his daily beating before he can conquer their hearts. XD


I know, I know. Let me guess, you want to watch? just click the link, ok?

The right hook!

Ouch! And the come back with an ARM LOCK!




2 Responses to “Nyan Koi Episode 5”

  1. 8 November 2009 at 1:59 pm

    yo i got ur back on this one…. it is a great anime and if you want to truly appreciate it….

    read the manga at mangafox.com

    Its amazing and it should be about 5 or 6 episodes ahead of the actual anime as manga is made first….

    keep up the word pressing man..

  2. 2 kaza
    9 November 2009 at 9:37 pm

    @[TFOA] coRe

    Thanxs. I needed that.

    I don’t know if I want to get ahead of the anime though. I like to keep up with all the other viewers out there that don’t read the manga. But I’ll take a look. ๐Ÿ™‚


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