
Kimi no Iru Machi 90: Maybe There Still Is

Another surprising episode as Haruto leaves Eba.  After he grieves a few pages about how he was a hindrance coming to Tokyo, he gets kicked out of the house by his hot sister wearing nothing but her undergarments since her boyfriend is coming over.  LOL at how she said that it’s up to her to decide whether or not she does “weird” things as well.  Haruto later realizes eating with Mishima that Eba’s story is not consistent with what his friend said, and realizes that she must ask Eba for the truth.

What will happen is that I predict that while Haruto is talking to Eba, Kazama or Mishima will walk in on them and find the truth.  But the question is… what will happen after that?  I am so into this series right now, and it’s not even funny how I’m hoping for an anime series sometime before 2012.   No, that’s not when the world will end.  Haruto x Mishima FTW.

2 Responses to “Kimi no Iru Machi 90: Maybe There Still Is”

  1. 22 May 2010 at 1:15 am

    I sure hope that Haruto isn’t reading too much into this. At this point he’s really reading more into that letter than one probably should. Anyways am curious what is really going on since it would be odd if there really wasn’t anything to this.

    Personally I hope things start going well with Eba soon. Since I’m really just getting to the point of saying he should honestly give it up no matter what is going on. Haruto x Mishima is turning out to be far more interesting.

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