
Highschool of the Dead episode five

Perhaps I’ve gotten past the stage where I enjoy watching people kill zombies, or zombies kill people, or people kill people but Highschool of the Dead really takes this craze to another level with its incorporation of the army, the mass of zombies walking around, and the chaos that people would bring upon themselves upon a society that has gone crazy.  Makes me realize that the only thing that prevents humans from becoming savages are rules, laws that constitution our daily lives and actions that should so be punished if done incorrectly.  Some of the places in this series seem to still have rules, but Takashi established that soon it would be a survival-of-the-fittest, even amongst the survivors.

The other series I’ve seen that involve zombies (Resident Evil, 28 Days/Weeks Later, Dawn of the Dead, etc.) basically have just one plot element – survivors getting to a haven.  At first, Highschool of the Dead may seem like that but it incorporates so much more than what we can see – survival techniques, theories of humanity, love (oh come on, you know Rei wants Takashi), fanservice, bouncing boobs, and all the other galore, making this perhaps the most enjoyable zombie series I have seen in a while.

So Rei and Takashi are still separated from the group but that’s okay since Rei suddenly achieved ninja-like combat moves that she suddenly was able to pull off in the time-span of less than a day since the whole zombie apocalypse started.  Apart from them realizing that the world is plunging into chaos despite the invention of the government, we go back to the bus where our teacher is basically waving his arms and doing this whole dramatic scheme of things that pisses me off.  I can’t really see what the other students see in him but I guess they’re fuqing silly, stupid, and dumb enough not to take his advice.  Our heroes, on the other hand, realize this and after this whole scheme of “don’t leave or I’ll kill you” and “try me bitch”, they finally depart from the bus and try to take another route past the government.

Like in all zombie series, they run onto a bridge filled with zombies and just when all hope seems lost, Takashi does a super-bike trick into the air and Rei jumps off it and does a 360 kick with her heavy metal pole.  After that, all the other characters do incredible inhuman things that no student should be able to do.  Those parts got really comical and silly, and it made me laugh to see that Madhouse decided to make these kids go all ninja on us.  After the whole scheme, we have our little reunion party before sensei says that she has a lesbian… I mean, female friend who they can stay at.

Spoiler, it’s the purple sniper’s house but I’m pretty sure we all knew that.  I can’t testify the argument that the two ladies are bi, but I like to tell myself that they are.  Of course, next chapter is where we’ll run into Alice (the little girl in the OP) and see the girls in “hadaka” aprons (‘naked’ aprons as aptly demonstrated by Kazehana in Sekirei) since they have no other clothes.  Apart from that, we get guns too!  Pantsu aside, this episode had plenty more blood, killing, head-bashing, and boobs bouncing that we all enjoy.  Or at least I do.

3 Responses to “Highschool of the Dead episode five”

  1. 1 TJ
    5 August 2010 at 1:42 am

    I can’t testify the argument that the two ladies are bi, but I like to tell myself that they are.

    Haha I agree as well. Miss Purple Sniper is willing to go back to a zombie infested city just for a “friend” eh? Sounds there is more to the relationship.

  2. 6 August 2010 at 11:23 am

    Best part what the whole bridge fight, that and the gangsters getting blown off the bridge..made me lol..

  3. 3 Eric you
    19 April 2020 at 1:54 am

    i have a brand new anime or manga featuring a thirteen year old boy named Adam lee he lives Okinawa japan he lives with his parents named Seth and Gabrielle along with his older brother named Micheal and a younger sister named Danielle in a average sized house they live next to a haunted mansion where a mad scientist named Dr Jekyll Hyde his hunchbacked assistant Igor his wife named Evangelina a butler named Rico and a maid named Dawn along with several unusual adopted children live together.

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