
St. Valentine’s Present: Kimi no Iru Machi c123

OK, this hasn’t been what I would call a successful year for romanticism, and since I had nobody really special to give a present, I thought of all of you, our always appreciated readers and how to raise a little bit more today’s holiday mood. Since there doesn’t seem to be any really interesting shows with romantic plots airing right now, I came up with a manga already known by you (and if not, you should start reading it!) that can keep you warm in these cold days…

Well, it’s been 23 chapters and almost 6 months since we posted anything related to this manga. Although I’ve been reading it since the beginning I hasn’t found a proper occasion to post about it… Suddenly I realized: today is February, 14th.. is there any better day to make you feel sorrow for Yuzuki and Haruto?

Well, last news we had about this couple was that the 3rd in dispute had died (Kazama), and I think that Spiral really got excited about it, since the party is still ongoing :D.

I'll show her my country anytime..

After that, many things have happened: Yuzuki asked Haruto to stop seeing each other, since it was too painful to remember Kazama, and for a change, he agreed on doing so. Seeing the door opened, Azuka took her chances and declared to our protagonist, after almost self inviting herself to visit Hiroshima. Haruto really thought it and they end up going out.

I must say that watching these 2 in a relationship has been something odd, but good. I had been waiting for Haruto to come back to Eba, but I think they are not ready for each other yet. Haruto still needs to grow up a little more, since it’s been Azuka the one carrying with the relationship so far. She seems to really love him, and is ready to support him and TRUST in him, even during hard situations. He, on his side, I still feel like he has no idea on what he’s doing. Falling for the blackmailer is just too much for a thinking being that is called a smart person. Also, his reaction after meeting with Yuzuki and reassuring that he loves Azuka even more than he did Eba, sounds like a self-suggesting sentence to me.

Never thought I would say this, but I’m starting to like Rin’s character. Even though she still looks like a spoiled, psychotic  brat to me, she seems to have developed some human nature, and sincerely cares about people other than herself. At least that’s how I felt during this last chapter, like Rin is actually trying to find out what’s truly happening between Haruto and Azuka and adding Yuzuki into the equation. Or probably I’m just being too optimistic and she just wants to screw all of them out and keep Haruto for herlself…

Anyhow, after almost 20 chapters of nothing interesting happening, we finally move forward a little. The characters are evolving, and that’s a good thing, since they’re now in College, we get to see a normal maturation process and its consequences.

Well, hope you enjoyed, I’ll try to post more often about this title and keep you all updated whenever something important happens. For now, enjoy your day, keep your Valentine close, and if you don’t have any, don’t worry!, there’s always internet.. ;). Happy St. Valentines Day!

Ja Ne!

2 Responses to “St. Valentine’s Present: Kimi no Iru Machi c123”

  1. 15 February 2011 at 5:32 pm

    Happy belated valentines! ;D

  2. 2 spiral
    16 February 2011 at 1:49 am

    im relieved that someone is picking this up again. its such a great series

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