
First Impressions – Kill Me Baby

Kill Me Baby is the most surprising anime of the season, what at first appears to be nothing more than a light-hearted gag comedy is in fact an intelligent and thought provoking look at the pleasures that make us human. In the case of Kill Me Baby’s protagonists, they have a sado-masochistic relationship, which seems to be played purely for laughs, but it’s on further analysis that this reveals itself to be far greater. The apparently dim-witted Yasuna hangs around incredibly dangerous people who constantly hurt her, some may think of this as just a result of her stupidity, but Yasuna merely wants to feel alive, something only the pain her “friend” Sonya can bring her. For Sonya, this is the only way she can find happiness, knowing that someone, no matter how strange, can derive pleasure from her talents which are primarily used for taking lives.

Yeah, that was all a lie, Kill Me Baby is a simple gag comedy, read on to find my thought about what it really is.

The reason I wrote that whole intro is because there’s very little to say on the topic of Kill Me Baby, but don’t take that as an insult, it was actually entertaining and surprisingly far funnier than I thought it was going to be. The second comedy to air this season, it’s a hell of a lot funnier than Recorder to Randoseru, which had two jokes, neither of which were funny, whereas Kill Me Baby can actually muster up a few laughs. For a comedy show, that should be the end goal, to simply be funny, but doing something a bit more can’t hurt, and that’s kinda where the show falls a bit flat.

J.C. Staff is handling a lot of shows this season, one of them was always going to suffer in the budget department, and this season it’s Kill Me Baby. The backgrounds are often drawn in a very simplistic style that looks like a child drew it in crayon. Strangely I haven’t got a problem with this, it suits the light-hearted tone of the rest of the series, but the rest of the poor production values can’t be hidden.

Animation is mediocre at best, when the backgrounds aren’t drawn in crayon, they’re just made up of various patterns in a kind of like what Shaft does but worse, and the music is non-existent for the most part.

Again, this doesn’t have to be a big problem, the show is basically a series of Boke and Tsukkomi routines, so they just have to keep the jokes coming at a relatively fast pace, and the show does this fairly well. The biggest problem being that jokes don’t flow into each other, they’re kept distinctly separate meaning the show has absolutely no sense of narrative flow.

But it’s not bad, like I said, it’s a funny show and you can’t go wrong if you’re merely looking to chuckle each week, and as I said earlier it’s far better than Recorder to Randoseru, with KMB’s great ED being more entertaining than the entire first episode of RTR. Give it a watch, you might just enjoy it.


Nope. I had to make up my opening paragraph for this post now, there’s no way I’m going to have enough to say about this each week. Plus, Another beckons, and I’ll likely only cover one show this season (and I won’t re-pick up Persona 4 for various reasons I’ll go into some other time)

7 Responses to “First Impressions – Kill Me Baby”

  1. 8 January 2012 at 12:42 am

    The fatal flaw of KMB is that it is about 15 minutes too long for each episode. I just wanted to bang my head into the desk on the 10 minute mark. I was probably thinking at that time, “KILL ME BABY!”

  2. 8 January 2012 at 4:28 am

    And I was like Kill me, kill me, kill me ohhhhh
    kill me, kill me, kill me, ohhhh

    … on the second thought, why did I think of that Justin Bieber song while watching this?

    *face palms*

  3. 8 January 2012 at 7:58 am

    I agree with Thai; this would’ve been so much more enjoyable if it was like 3 or four minutes. realistically, each “gag” is about three of four minutes, it’s just that they pack ’em in altogether.

    and while Kill Me Baby wasn’t quite what I was expecting it to be (though I’m not even sure what I was expecting it to be) it was kind of fun to watch. I don’t know how long I’ll keep up with it but without much prospect of a true story line, I’m sure I’ll watch an episode here and there just for giggles.

    (Yasuna reminds me of Yui from K-On!)

    • 4 Gooney
      8 January 2012 at 8:57 am

      My problem with 3 minute episodes is that if the gag falls flat, that’s a whole week wasted, but in 25 minutes there’s more of a chance that you’ll laugh, but I can see how it drags for some people, I enjoyed it though.

      And Yasuna basically is Yui.

      • 8 January 2012 at 10:13 am

        ah. I see your point. and you’re right: I think I laughed once (like a legitimate laugh, not just a chuckle or smirk) but it certainly wasn’t within the first three minutes.

        Yasuna needs clips like Yui. then she too will amass a huge fan base!

  4. 6 skyhack
    11 June 2012 at 9:52 am

    Loved it. J.C.Staff has done some of my favorite comedies (Azumanga, Excel Saga, Nodame) – it’s what they do best.

  5. 7 DorrinD
    10 July 2013 at 11:37 am

    It’s either a “love it” or “hate it” show, and I’m not ashamed to say I love it.
    The English dub is pretty good too.

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