
Kamisama Dolls 08 – Lets go to the Beach

This is hopefully as close as we’ll get to a filler episode in Kamisama Dolls (fingers-crossed), the old; “Let’s go to the Beach” episode, always a favorite.

It was pretty lolworthy for me because wen they got here, it stormed. And thas what alwasy happens to my family when go to the beach for a holiday. Of course we didn’t have the drama of a tree falling in on us, we just ended up fighting over monopoly, good times.

The episode picks up at the end of last weeks episode with everybody saying their goodbyes as our gang prepares for the trip back the city. Just before they leave the boundries of the village, Utao spot Kirio watching them leave. She’d been having trouble trying to figure out a away to deal with Kirio now that she knows that he is her brother, its been weighin quite heavily on her. So in a final attempt to make things right I guess, she decided to have a final chat with him.

Hibino had suggested that she try “to smile as if she was going to hug him“, an odd suggestion but it could of worked if only Utao could actually smile properly…

Arrival back in the city brings good news for the gang as they are presented with the opportunity to go to the beach which they obviously accept, who doesn’t like going to the beach?

Unfortunately for them, the weather had something else in mind, a storm to be precise, Utao didn’t take it too well.

Not much else happens at the beach, because of the storm we don’t get many swimsuit shots despite Hibino buying a new bikini for the occasion. What does happen is a tree falling on the owner, Kukuri accidently knocking Kyohei out and Utao saving Hibino. The weather does clear up but still no bikini’s.

Back in the city we get down some more business, Hibino & Utao head to the city library, its Utao’s first visit, she really wanted to see it. One thing she didn’t expect to see I’m sure was Aki who had decided to take some time off from sexxing up Kuuko to read a book at the local library, how intelectual of him.

From Hibino’s indifferent reaction to seeing him, he quickly susses out that Kyohei must have told her something about him, but just as they were starting to delve deeper into the triangle between Kyohei, Aki & Hibino or about the darkess that lives in Kyohei, Utao & Kukuri step in and the confrontation heads outside. The kakashi tussle takes a backseat to the mind games Aki lays into Utao with, telling her that kakashi’s are only mean’t for murdering and destroying owing to human hearts controlling them. She may have shown that she isn’t a n00b seki anymore, but she’s still far off from being a veteran as this disrupts her concentration far too easily.

Upon returning to the coffee shop, Hibino gives Kyohei the cold shoulder and rushes to her room for some along time to sort out her thoughts about her conversation with Aki today. I’m quite enjoying this new more introspective side of Hibino, in these last few eps she has shown that she certainly isn’t your stereotypical big-boobed supporting act.

Utao on the other hand is still struggling to deal with her emotions and takes it out on Kyohei before she eventually breaks down in tears owing to the seeds of doubt Aki planted in her head. Kyohei being the great big brother that he is manages to calm her down and at the same time appears to win Hibino over again.

Best Moment of the Episode:

The best moment for me this time round was Utao improvement over controlling Kukuri, during the storm, she showed how well insync she was with Kukuri, which was expertly highlighted as quickly dashed in and save Hibino during the storm employing expert speed and reflexes. Utao ain’t a n00b anymore.

Lesson of the Episode:

This weeks lesson is more of a ProTip: When working/playing in the rain (or arund water) wear a swimsuit underneath you clothing to avoid embarrassment in the event of an “incident”. Hibino, really isn’t dumb!

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